Benefits of Green coffee

In the past few years, a wave of popularity of green coffee has swept the world. This is primarily due to the widely publicized fat-burning effect of this drink. But is green coffee really useful, as they say?

In today's review, we analyze the pros and cons of green coffee, tell how to cook it correctly and share the recipe for a fat-burning coffee and ginger drink.

Some interesting facts

Benefits of Green Coffee

Widely advertised on the Internet, green coffee is nothing more than our usual coffee, but in its raw form, before roasting. According to legend, the pioneer of the invigorating properties of coffee is to thank the Ethiopian shepherd Kaldim.

Once, during a grazing of goats, he noticed that eating the fruits of a tree previously unknown to him, the animals became excessively playful and lively. He shared his discovery with local monks, who discovered the world a drink from the very same fruits.

Over time, the process of making coffee has changed and overgrown with new traditions, and everyone forgot about the initial taste of unroasted coffee beans. Green coffee survived its second birth in 2012, thanks to American scientists from Screnton University.

During the study, they discovered the fat-burning effect of raw coffee beans, as reported on the pages of the medical journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity.

The discovery did not fail to take advantage of the famous doctor Mehmet Oz, who, as part of his television show The Dr. Oz Show conducted an unprecedented experiment on losing weight. To participate in the experiment were invited 100 women aged 35 to 49 years with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 45.

The participants were divided into 2 groups, one of which was allowed to take green coffee extract for 2 weeks, and the other a placebo. As a result, it turned out that in 2 weeks, women who took green coffee lost 2 times more weight than those who took placebo.

Useful properties of green coffee

Green coffee has invigorating and tonic properties, improves blood circulation. Green coffee beans contain tannins and purine alkaloids - for example, caffeine, known for its ability to stimulate physical and mental activity.

Thanks to caffeine, green coffee helps with spasmodic headaches, improves memory and lymphatic drainage, stimulates the cardiovascular system.

Green coffee contains the strongest antioxidant - chlorogenic acid, which helps the body fight free radicals. Experts estimate that in terms of the amount of antioxidants, green coffee is significantly ahead of its more popular competitors - green tea, olive oil and red wine.

Green coffee, as we said above, also has a fat-burning effect. Japanese scientists have found that the combination of caffeine and chlorogenic acid in this drink helps to reduce body fat.

Green coffee is also actively used in cosmetology. Oil from its grains helps in strengthening hair and nails, is used to moisturize the skin and prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.


Despite its beneficial properties, green coffee cannot be called a completely safe product. With special care, it should be treated for people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.

It is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Green coffee is contraindicated for hypertension, increased intraocular and intracranial pressure, arrhythmia and heart failure.

It is very careful to take green coffee in combination with medicines and nutritional supplements, as their components can at best offset each other's effects, and in the worst, lead to health problems. In any case, consult your doctor if you can take the drugs prescribed for you in parallel with green coffee.

Cooking rules

The method of preparing green coffee is practically no different from black. Unroasted grains need to be ground (in extreme cases, purchase pre-ground coffee) and brewed in any convenient way: in a cezve, coffee maker or a French press.

Brew green coffee at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per glass of water (200 milliliters). Freshly brewed coffee must be infused for 5 to 7 minutes, so that the grains give their aroma and useful substances contained in the coffee infusion. After brewing coffee, you can drink both hot and cold.

Doctors recommend not to exceed the daily norm of coffee in 2 - 5 cups per day. And to maximize the effect of the drink, drink it not with meals, but between meals.

Green coffee with honey and ginger

To enhance the fat-burning effect of green coffee, you can combine it with another popular product for weight loss - ginger.


  • ginger - 2 cm;
  • green coffee - 2 - 3 tbsp;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey to taste;
  • lemon to taste.

Cooking method

Make coffee in a cezve. Ginger grate and add to the drink. Stir thoroughly, heat until boiling, and remove from heat. Season with juice 1 lemon wedges and honey.

Green coffee was widely distributed after the program of the American television "Doctor Oz" in 2012. Consuming moderate doses of non-roasted coffee beans successfully helps in the process of losing weight. Participants in the experiment drank 400 mg of a green bean drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals. They lost approximately 1 kilogram in 2 weeks of research.

Coffee beans are dried naturally, without being subjected to heat treatment, so that antioxidants and vitamins are not destroyed, and the chlorogenic acid present in the drink helps to burn fat cells. The percentage of caffeine is less than in ordinary black coffee. The taste of the green drink differs from the usual one, resembling the taste of peanuts to someone, and leaving a hint of grass to someone. If it is very unpleasant for you to drink unsweetened coffee, then adding honey will slightly change the situation. Snack cakes and sweets, you know, is not recommended, so you will not achieve weight loss.

Grain extract improves tone, energizing for the whole day, tannin impove function and speeds up metabolic processes.Its use minimizes the risk of tumor formation. Taking green coffee before meals, you will notice a decrease in appetite, and a small portion of food will be enough to satisfy hunger. Coffee grounds are used in the fight against cellulite during body wrap procedures carried out both in salon conditions and at home. Bean oil is used to restore a chic hairstyle and strengthen nails, with different types of massage in order to give the skin elasticity.

But the use of "magic beans" has side effects. Drinking a drink late in the evening is not advisable, you will be provided with insomnia. Headaches, anxiety, irritability may occur, and sometimes indigestion may occur. The extract is contraindicated in breast-feeding mothers and pregnant women. The list of contraindications includes hypertension, diabetes mellitus, serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels, glaucoma, gastritis and gastric ulcer. When taken, the amount of calcium in the blood decreases, this supplement can not be taken with osteoporosis. It is contraindicated in cases of disorders associated with the blood coagulation system. This supplement should be discarded if there is a history of at least one of the above diseases, even if you really want to lose weight.

The most important thing in the fight against hated excess weight is not to harm the body with the methods used. Carefully weigh the pros and cons of losing weight with green coffee. Taking a miracle supplement, listen to your own feelings. Be healthy!

The main advantages of using this product are as follows:

1. Nutritional features

Green coffee beans contain chlorogenic acids, which are distinguished by the peculiarity of activating the processes of fat burning and metabolic processes in the body. Also, such acids cause a feeling of satiety, and thus control weight.

2. Cosmetological properties

Green coffee bean extract is widely used in beauty salons for general skin and face skin care. Ointments and creams that are made from this product help to eliminate many skin defects like scars and stretch marks, as well as moisturize the skin and protect it from the negative effects of the climate. Means, which include green coffee beans, are also used to rejuvenate, treat acne, eliminate irritation and peeling. Beauticians are also aware of the positive effect of green coffee on hair: it helps nourish and restore it, gives it a healthy shine. It also strengthens nails. Gruel from ground green grains can be effectively used as a means to combat cellulite.

3. Activating effect

The composition of green grains includes tannins, caffeine and alkaloids, which perfectly stimulate mental and physical activity, help to cope with headaches and cramps, as well as strengthen memory processes and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Of course, our favorite black coffee also has this feature, but green coffee has several obvious advantages in the form of a low level of caffeine and minimal impact on the body and the processes that occur in it.

In addition to the advantages that we have already mentioned, green coffee can very well be called a very promising product. Studies confirm that it may well be an excellent method of combating diabetes, because it contains chlorogenic acid. The latter is able to break down sugar, and, as a result, help the sick body.

 Cons of green coffee

However, not everything is so rosy: like all other potent remedies, green coffee also has some disadvantages. Among them are the following:

1. Specific taste

Green coffee has the same taste difference with black coffee as green tea with black. Not everyone likes a pronounced herbal taste, but you can add sugar to the drink and thereby correct the situation.

2. Cost

Such coffee costs much more than its black counterpart, then this difference is justified, since its useful properties are much stronger.

3. Contraindications

They are the main minus of green coffee, because they can lead to the fact that its harm to the body will exceed the benefits. Contraindications include the presence of hypertension, glaucoma, intestinal irritation, diarrhea, osteoporosis, and anxiety disorders. Also, you can not use it during pregnancy and lactation.

Of course, the final decision as to whether or not to take green coffee is up to you. However, this product has significantly more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, if the contraindications indicated by us are absent, and you urgently want to improve your health and maintain beauty, then this tool can be a great assistant for you

Traditionally, tea is divided into black and green, and coffee is usually strongly associated with black. However, like green tea, there is a green version of the latter. And the difference between black and green is about the same as between black andgreen tea options. Green tea is dried tea leaves, and black tea is the same leaves that have been fermented. So the natural coffee grains are green in color, and they acquire their “darkness” only after roasting. However, grains are not fried for the sake of a beautiful appearance. During roasting, the acidity of the grains decreases, and the sugars contained in them are caramelized.
Roasting is a science. There are entire companies that specialize in this process and have achieved excellence in it. For example, the famous Hausbrandt Italian roast coffee. Roasting significantly improves the taste, as in green grains it is grassy, ​​too astringent and sour. When roasting, approximately the same processes occur as when roasting seeds or peanuts. If few people tried the drink from unroasted beans, then almost everyone can compare the taste of raw and roasted peanuts. And the findings will clearly be in favor of frying.

However, in the pursuit of good taste, many useful properties of grains are lost. Meanwhile, it has long been known that green grains are richer than black ones in terms of vitamins and antioxidants, and also contribute to weight loss. Beverage manufacturers use this, calling various products far from the true oriental drink “green”. For example, caffeine is added to an herbal mixture containing green tea leaves and is called “green coffee”. This "diet" product is sold for very decent money, although even the installation of coffee machines offer a much more healthy drink at the price of a tram ticket.
In general, if you want to try real green coffee, then it is better not to trust various advertising tricks, but to buy it in beans. In principle, this is possible even in our country. And in Latin America, green grains can be found on sale even more often than black ones, since it is customary not only to grind them, but also to fry them immediately before use. This is a really fresh drink! By the way, you should buy green coffee, even if you are not going to lose weight, and try to roast it yourself. This is done in a pan, just like with seeds, constantly stirring so that the grains do not burn. It is a pity that the rental of coffee machines has not yet reached such a level, and so far the machines can only grind grains before cooking.

Green coffee 

has a huge list of benefits for human health, provided that it is consumed in moderation, so the question is quite reasonable, but does it have any side effects? In a number of studies conducted on this topic, no side effects were found. Also, no new symptoms were found in people daily consumed extract.

Many doctors warn their patients about the potential dangers of caffeine. If you like coffee, you probably know that coffee can really help you wake up and feel more energetic and cheerful, even on the most dull day. Well, when the amount of drink you drink exceeds the permissible dose, unwanted side effects may appear, such as drowsiness , tremors , and insomnia .

Caffeine contained in coffee can accelerate heart rate and, more importantly, harm the entire cardiovascular system.

However, according to scientists, these effects are not entirely applicable to the green coffee extract , since we are talking about non-roasted coffee beans. Of course, everyone has their own opinion on such things, but nevertheless, it is best to consult your doctor before using this or that drink.

But back to caffeine and green coffee . Let's move on to the numbers, for example, an ordinary cup of a classic drink made from roasted coffee beans can containup to 400 mg of caffeine . 

However, a portion of green coffee on average contains only 20 mg , a significant difference, is not it? It follows from this that in order to experience the side effect of caffeine, the amount of green coffee you drink should significantly exceed the usual daily dose.

Throughout 2012, the market for weight loss products was flooded with a new supplement - green coffee extract Green coffee extract is extracted or produced from non-roasted coffee beans.

According to scientists, non-roasted coffee beans are rich in chlorogenic acid , a compound that decomposes during the roasting process. Chlorogenic acid is considered beneficial for health and contributes to fat burning. The health benefits are based on shaky evidence that has repeatedly been featured in many reputable publications. At the same time, no one gives a 100% guarantee.

Side effects

According to webmd, green coffee extract has several side effects, for example:
  • Insomnia
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Stomach upset
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Heart rate
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Tinnitus
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Diarrhea
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Magnesium depletion
  • Deteriorated by increased bleeding
  • Reddened face
  • Muscle tension
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating

Warning for Moms:

If you are pregnant or your baby is breastfeeding, forget about green coffee extract. Webmd claims that today there is not enough information that the extract is safe for infants.

Green coffee extract as a fashion. One of the most popular coffee houses in the world, Starbucks has launched an energy drink based on green coffee extract. And one of the popular TV doctors of America shot a whole episode on this subject. I myself didn’t watch it, but those who watched claim that it was an advertisement lasting 30 minutes.

Caffeine content

According to shape, the Green Coffee Extract may contain any amount of caffeine due to a lack of standardization. Manufacturers simply do not have to follow a certain formula, so that only one bottle can contain both brutally dangerous levels of caffeine and not at all (although this is hardly possible). However, this can lead to a number of problems. Especially if you are taking other drugs.

Caffeine as an additive may interact with other additives. For example, taking any stimulant paired with caffeine can cause a synergistic effect, which can increase blood pressure to a dangerous level. High caffeine intake can result in a loss of calcium and magnesium, and so


Roasted coffee has a quality standard, in general, any product has such a standard. However, as far as I know, and as I wrote above, there is no standard that manufacturers of green coffee extracts must adhere to. Therefore, I can’t say with accuracy whether such manufacturers can be trusted.

The only thing that can be said for sure is that before consuming a particular supplement, you must consult your doctor.



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