Earning money from home

Not my dear friends, working from home is not a utopia! What's more, there are currently thousands of work-from-home options to which we have access and many of them are capable of multiplying our income, to the point of making us earn more money than almost any manager of a multinational would earn. 

About 3 years ago, I began to obsess over the topic of earning money from home, and after discovering (and checking!) That indeed, there are many ways to generate income without having to get off the couch, I was able to create the life of my dreams.

In addition to bringing you a list of more than 50 Jobs from Home that you can start today, I will also tell you how it was that 12 months after starting my first web project and starting to work from my sofa, I could afford to give up my corporate job, to dedicate myself to  living traveling , while  multiplying my income  and heading to retire before turning 40 . 

By the way ... Before continuing with the list of the most popular internet jobs, I want to speak very clearly: do not think that everything is relaxing, wear pajamas 24/7 and watch Netflix marathonsCould not be farther from the truth.

It is very true that working from home gives you a lot of flexibility, in addition to the possibility of multiplying your income to a point that would be almost impossible if you work for others. But doing it, at the same time, requires you to be an organized person, very responsible, and eager to  excel .

So, what do you read to me: is this business of being able to work from home and / or  making money online  something that draws your attention powerfully, but you have no idea how to achieve good results in a short time? Do you know the benefits of working from home, but don't know what the challenges of doing that entail?

Well, it is in your best interest to continue reading, because this guide will fall like a ring on your finger!

For many people (including me, of course), being a blogger can be a very attractive and suitable alternative career, for those who feel that the traditional options and limited offers that exist in universities (law, engineering, medicine, etc.), are not yours.

Therefore, after seeing how incredibly profitable and satisfactory this type of work can be, the option of being a professional blogger has become my super favorite in the entire list of jobs from home that I am going to present to you.

Bloggers enjoy sharing our knowledge, tastes and opinions with you (our reader), while earning money selling advertising space, earning commissions for promoting third-party products or services, and / or creating and selling our own courses, consultancies, premium communities, etc. .

We can talk about any topic (fashion, science, travel, sports, health, finance, motherhood, cars, etc.) and turn our passion into a profitable business , capable of generating millions of dollars (literally!).

The popularity that this type of work has gained is not only due to the great development potential it has (a popular blog can have a great reach and reach a huge number of potential clients); but because it also offers the option of working from home or wherever you are, producing income remotely and even passively (for example, while you sleep).

Although many people mistakenly think that bloggers live solely on sponsorships, from my personal experience I assure you that advertising does not exceed even 10% of total income, of those who really see this work as a true (and very profitable) business.

And is that thanks to the multiple possible sources of income (much better than advertising), I can tell you that today  my blogs generate income that I could never have aspired to , even if I had become Vice President of a multinational in my country (Panama). 

Also, thanks to the dramatic increase in my earnings after creating my different blogs, today I can afford to  save more than half of my income , while living the life I always dreamed of. 

Outside of selling advertising and sharing your knowledge through your own blog, there are different options for working from home, incredibly profitable and that you can start today, with the minimum investment.

If you are organized and can efficiently handle tasks such as answering emails, keeping agendas, planning meetings, etc., this may be your ideal option to work from home.

Being a virtual assistant gives you the opportunity to offer your services, without the need to be physically in an office.

Usually, companies with an online presence are the most open to hiring virtual collaboration and giving options for working from home. The advantage is that every day more are added to this modality, since the vast majority of brands are choosing to create websites and many of them serve their businesses online.

The only thing you need to start working as a virtual assistant is to have a computer, access to a good internet connection, and apply to some of the many online administrative job offers that are on sites like freelancer.com, or offer your services professionals on platforms like fiverr.com.

Find the full list of websites offering work-from-home options at the end of this article .

Something that I have been able to notice is that many of the professional virtual assistants, in addition to enlisting in the different platforms and job boards that exist, also create their own web pages with the details of all the services they offer and their professional career (this it's like a virtual resume, which makes them look a lot more professional), and they add it to their application and profiles.

All businesses need written content, and if this is your strength, you could be able to earn a lot of money working from home.

To give you approximate figures, if you are a content writer you could generate about $ 20- $ 300 + dollars for writing articles on platforms such as Matador Network and Lonely Planet .

You could also offer your services to different websites, or apply to some of the many job offers for this specific topic (both face-to-face and virtual) in newspapers, magazines, blogs, websites, marketing agencies, etc.

As in the previous case of virtual assistant, something that can help you win some job offers as content editor is to  create a web page  where you can prove your talent (with examples of texts written by you), as well as giving know something about your career and experience (links to those websites for which you have previously written).

Remember that the time when you were sending your CV or samples of your work by email has passed, and now what is needed is to show yourself as a professional who is ready for this digital age.

This is another one of my favorite ways to earn extra money and one of the work from home that I consider most profitable and easy to implement, mainly because you don't need to have your own product or service to do it.

Basically, for affiliate marketing you must  create a professional website / blog , gain authority, readers, and then find products / services that match the theme of your website and above all, that you really like.

Important: I advise you to recommend a product or service that you trust and with whom you have truly had a good experience. Earning and being able to maintain the trust of your followers is one of the most important things for anyone to achieve professional growth.

After creating your website, you must request to join the brand's affiliate program (joining these programs is free in the vast majority of cases), and when you are accepted you can promote their products / services with your readers and receive a commission for every sale.

This is, without a doubt, one of the most popular jobs from home among millennials and Generation Z.

Earnings on YouTube and your chance to earn money from home with this type of remote work, will depend on the success you achieve with your channel. This is influenced by the theme or niche you are going to deal with, the keywords you promote and the virality you achieve with your content, as well as your authority on the subject, the advertisers who pay to appear in your videos, the countries where your subscribers reside , etc. 

The minimum I see on my personal content is $ 1 per thousand impressions. This means that if, for example, you have 35 million views, you could generate about $ 35,000.00 dollars a month! It can be less, but also much more and everything depends on each specific case.

If you are good at designing, another job from home that you could do is to offer your services as a graphic designer to one or more companies and / or independent professionals.

The first step would be to show your work on your website (your online catalog), and then promote it to different companies. Remember that, through the internet, you could apply to work with companies that are on the other side of the world, in some of the portals that we show you at the end of this article.

Other online jobs with good opportunities for a graphic designer, is to create and sell pre-designed logos or make tutorials on the use of design tools in video format, and then sell them on your website.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, having a popular and automated professional blog is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to generate passive income (in simple words,  make money from home and while you sleep ).

More and more people are interested in taking advantage of this gold mine; However, not everyone has the desire, time or capacity necessary to learn to develop a professional website, so some choose to "outsource" this service. And it is there where you could enter.

Starting your blog or website takes around 30 minutes  and once you have mastered the process (which is not difficult at all), you can start selling this service.

This is another of the most popular work from home, among those Millennials interested in generating income online. Because working as a Community Manager is a fun and very easy way to generate about $ 300 to $ 600 dollars a month, by managing an active community on social networks.

You could also choose to manage several at the same time ( advantages of being a freelancer ) and it does not charge the same for managing one of 1,000 members, as for driving with 10K or 25K people.

If you are interested in earning $ 400 to $ 1,000 a month for managing social networks, this is an ideal remote job for you.

We should not confuse this position with that of the Community Manager, although both can be integrated into one person (the idea is that they pay you just enough for both functions).

As Social Media Manager you will be in charge of creating content (art) for the different social networks, sharing it with the techniques approved by the brand, creating paid advertising, and sometimes even asking you to do the functions of a Community Manager, responding to the comments of the different platforms.

If you're a freelance worker (and if time permits), you can manage accounts for multiple brands at once, earning thousands of dollars while gossiping about the latest on Instagram, Pinterest , Facebook, and Tik Tok.

Note: When it comes to a small company, working as a Social Media Manager generally involves creating strategies (ideas) for different social networks, something that in larger companies someone else does in the marketing direction. Then you may be asked to perform functions corresponding to a Community Manager.

Many of us who live on the Internet, use our knowledge to earn money from home by offering services on a subject that we are passionate about, and / or that we have a lot of experience with.

It is thanks to the ease that web pages and social networks have given us to make ourselves known, that “coaching” has been for several years, one of the fastest growing professions in the world and also one of the jobs since Most popular house in this listing.

So you already know: if you are an expert in something, or have the certification to give advice, this could be an excellent way to sell your knowledge since, basically, you only need to create a website that serves as a portfolio for your products / services, and as a means of formal contact

If you have a good ear and typing is your strong suit, you can dedicate yourself to earning extra money in your spare time by doing audio to text transcripts, as a freelance. Although it is true to transcribe is a detailed job and requires a certain level of experience, it has the advantage that you can do it on your own schedule and from the comfort of your home.

Making the calculations, we came to the conclusion that, by converting 1 private room into an Airbnb, you could earn approximately $ 500.00 to $ 1,000.00 a month in the main cities of Latin America. This will depend on the area in which the property is located, the interior design it has and the comforts it offers.

If writing is one of your strengths, there are many jobs from home based on writing and editing that you can do, taking advantage of the fact that information in both traditional and digital formats is increasing every day.

Some of the options available to work as a freelance writer are: content writer, editorial supervisor, technical writer, professional blogger, among others.

Fiverr  is one of the most popular freelance workbenches of the moment.

It is a growing community of independent professionals, who offer different services to those who need it and that can include from graphic design and preparation of resumes, to video editing.

On a platform like this, you can work as much or as little as you like, setting your own hourly rate and working hours that you can manage at your convenience. 

With this type of platform you can list your services for free, and once you complete a client's order, the money is transferred to your account immediately (of course subtracting the administrative amount charged by the platform).

If you are a teacher or teacher and want to have a more flexible schedule, you can choose to teach remotely via Skype, or with pre-recorded sessions. For that you must create a professional website offering your services, and place a button on it to receive online payments. 

Weddings, birthdays, baby showers, bachelorette parties, corporate events, etc. There is always a reason to celebrate and if you are good at organizing events and you also like it, this is a service that is in high demand.

I personally planned my wedding virtually and had to travel to the destination (in my case it was in a different country than mine), only once before the event, to do the final tests with all the vendors that I had already contacted. 

Another ideal work from home for creatives is to offer your professional photo and / or video editing services to different companies and independent professionals, seeking to increase their presence in the digital world. You can also sell your own photos and videos to different pages or interested people.

If you are a travel lover and know about it, you may be interested in this option to work from home.

It is about searching the internet for information about flight offers, lodgings and excursions, and offering yourself to plan the itineraries of the hundreds of thousands of travelers who go around the internet in search of something similar.

Here it is about making assignments that can be completed quickly, such as answering questionnaires, surveys, or writing product and / or service reviews in prospective customer forums.

These types of online jobs usually don't pay much, but they are a quick way to make extra money online, or at least get some products or services in exchange for your work.

If, apart from your native language, you speak a language well, you could offer your services either as an interpreter or a document translator. This is a very popular internet job

You can not only promote and sell your music or that of your band on the internet, but also offer tutorials and online courses to play one or more instruments. .

A remote job to consider if you like cooking or patisserie, you could offer your catering services for events, make cooking or baking tutorials in video format, or offer online or classroom courses.

Surely you know a family member, friend, or friend of your friend, who often needs to take care of their children. You can offer your services from the comfort of your home and charge per hour.

If you have knowledge in a specific area (software, law, etc.), offering your services as a business consultant is a very good way to earn money from home.

Entering data on a computer may not be the most fun job in the world, but doing it requires no experience and currently many companies worldwide request it.

If you are good with your hands and would like to explore work from home options based on the creation of artisan products (jewelry, furniture, decorative objects, clothing, etc.), you could offer your products from your own virtual store or in dedicated digital markets. to original creations, such as etsy.com . This could be a good way to start generating extra income without leaving home.

If you like and are good at dealing with animals, you could offer bathing, grooming and / or pet walking services. Ideal for owners who have to leave home for a few days or who do not have time to do so because of their commitments.

It may sound very good to be true, but you can get hundreds of free products (and even cash) by writing reviews on any of the products you use on a daily basis.

For example, websites like Influenster are making reviews of it, one of the most popular jobs from home among lovers of many products.

If you are a certified accountant, you can offer your services to different companies and carry books remotely from the comfort of your home.

Until a few years ago, working from home was almost a myth, few people managed to do it. Thanks to the Internet, this has changed. Now it is not only possible to have a job that you can manage from your own home, but you can also make this your way of life. Some people have even managed to work from anywhere in the world with Internet access.

More and more people can say: I work from home !!

If you are reading this article it is surely because you have ever thought about developing an activity from home to earn money and that allows you to supplement your monthly salary. Or better yet you have thought about dedicating yourself full time to what you like and earning a living like this ... If this is your case, you have come to the right place ... keep reading and discover how to do it!

In this article I would like to share with you some ideas with which you can work from home at any time I hope some of them can inspire you to start without waiting any longer.

I have also compiled a list of websites in Spanish where you can find these offers and offer your services as a freelancer . If you have knowledge of English you will also be interested in some websites in this language that I have added to the end of the list

Anyone can really work from home. Either by teleworking or because you carry out an activity and / or a service and you do not need to travel.

Obviously, in the first case, teleworking will depend on your profession and the company where you work and whether or not it allows you to do so.

But I would like to talk to you about how you can develop an activity that does not depend on your geographical location and that you do independently, autonomously and that you yourself organize and manage it according to your availability.

Yes, of course, it is possible, and you can do it part time or full time.

In short, there is no requirement outlined in any manual that is the key to success when doing work from home. In any case, your attitude, your aptitudes and abilities will help you achieve your goal. For example, your ability to organize time and prioritize is very important here.

Tip: Keep in mind that if your part-time activity becomes a full-time activity and your way of life, you must register as a self-employed person, because many websites and / or clients will also ask you for invoices.

Perhaps you think that many websites and especially most blogs use WordPress or other tools for their designs and that web designers are no longer necessary. But let me tell you, you're wrong.

Not everything is in WordPress, in fact, many companies want custom designs that suit their needs.

The objective of companies is to maximize their sales, and this is achieved by improving the browsing experience of their users. Web designers are so important to this.

This idea of ​​working from home is intended for professionals, since you need to have technical knowledge such as: Adobe Photoshop, JAVA, PHP, HTML, WORDPRESS, CSS, which are the most demanded. In addition, you must dedicate time to personalize the services according to the needs of your clients and the area to which they are dedicated.

Think that in addition to offering the design of a website, you can also do its subsequent re-design or update and maintenance, you have several ways to increase your income.

A graphic designer is responsible for transmitting messages and ideas through creative images and designs, in order to attract people's attention. This is why they are so important to companies, because they are in charge of communicating their message visually.

The most common tasks can be the creation of designs for books, magazines, posters, brochures, corporate logo design, catalogs, personalized cards, etc. Without forgetting the design of banners.

In short, you can develop different tasks such as creative skills you have, and you can do this work from home, or from anywhere 

To be a graphic designer you need to be creative, detailed and organized. In addition to specialized training in this area.

This profession offers many opportunities and more and more. If this interests you, look for the right training and stand out from the rest with quality work. Let your work speak for you.

Another job that you can do from home and that has to do with new technologies is being a Community Manager. This means, being the intermediary between the brand you represent and Internet users from all over the world present through social networks.

This profession is relatively new, but with many opportunities. Of course, you need to have specialized training to correctly perform your tasks.

Surely you will find your clients from the beginning of your activity. If you go to a job portal right now and look for community manager offers, you will see that there are several opportunities both for work in companies and work from home.

Of course, here you also need to have training, and if you manage to develop an app that is successful, you may even get several thousand eurosReally? Of course, I will give you some examples:

  • Jan Koum : His name perhaps doesn't tell you anything. But if I tell you that this Ukrainian resident in the United States, along with Brian Acton , is the co-founder Whatsapp. You surely know this app and use it, right? Jan became a millionaire thanks to this, when Facebook paid more than 19,000 million dollars for the app.
  • Nick D'Aloisio : Creator of Summly, an app that helped solve school assignments. The idea was to summarize a text in a few phrases and key words. Nick was only 17 years old when he did it !! It was Yahoo who bought the app for $ 30 million, not bad, right?

These are some examples, to give you an idea. But surely you know others and new ones will emerge.

By the way ... if you are not interested in mobile applications, do not worry: software development is still in fashion. Manuel from MSD Soft is a good example of how to make money selling your own software.

Perhaps you have already thought about this or have read it on other sites. Creating a blog is a way to develop a work from home and increasingly frequent.

Contrary to what you may think, you don't need to be a computer expert to create your own blog. There are tools that help you and some are free. For example WordPress , which has templates so you can start in a few steps.

Having a blog not only allows you to write about a topic that you like, know or are interested in, but you can also generate income in a different way:

  • Put ads on your blog, for example through Google AdSense. This is that every time someone clicks on that ad you take money. This is the PPC (Pay Per Click) method, what you will be paid is variable and depends on what your niche is.
  • Recommend certain products or services from other websites. So when there is a sale, you will receive a commission for it, in percentage or fixed amount.
  • Sell ​​services or your own products . By collecting the information you offer through your blog, you can create and sell a guide, a manual or give some training to your readers. You can also offer additional services as a consultant or advisor.

In summary, you can get many benefits from your own blog. Here you can read the article where I tell you more .

If you are interested in knowing how I have taken my first steps to create a blog, I recommend the blog Citizen2.0, I leave you the link How to create a blog that works - Complete guide step by step . It is a very complete and clear guide.

Believe it or not and think you are not capable, earning money writing articles for different blogs is suitable for everyone, and yes, it can also become your work from home. You don't need any particular training, but if you have to be willing to ... writing , obviously, is the goal of this work.

This idea is very simple. You have to find inspiration, write clearly and without spelling mistakes, that's all!

Well, it is true that writing correctly is not enough. You must write good texts, in terms of content marketing. But once you learn in the first texts, the following ones will be very simple.

Also, you have a good chance of finding a job, because many blogs or websites are constantly looking for copywriters to expand their content.

If you know any language, in addition to your mother tongue obviously, you can try working from home as a text translator.

No need to be bilingual, you can help yourself with translation tools or dictionaries. You can organize your time, decide the jobs you accept and what clients you accept, in addition to the topic that you like or interest. In summary, like other ways of working from home, here you will find many advantages.

Companies or professionals send you documents by email, allowing you to work from home or from anywhere else.

On the Internet there are several platforms, where you can register to do translations, later we will see some.

This service can be offered to writers and publishers to review their books before they are published, or to professionals from another language who need proofreading in your native language (not translation but proofreading).

For this you do not need any special knowledge, that is, it is necessary to know the rules of spelling and grammar.

In the case of documents that come from another language, you should also look at the way that would be said in your language or in your country, so that it is natural. In each case, they will specify what they need you to do.

It is not a complicated job but you need to invest time, some readings may be short, but you may also have to read entire books.

My recommendations:

  • As in all the ideas of work from home that I mention, it is important to meet the deadlines, confirm your professional image.
  • Spend the necessary time in each reading, so that the correction is good.
  • You can start doing volunteer work, to get the first clients.

If writing is something you are really passionate about, and you're good at it, why don't you think about writing a book and publishing it?

Don't think you can't get it, obviously you're not just going to have to write, period. You will also have to publicize your work and thus be able to reach a large number of readers.

One of the advantages of this idea of ​​working from home is that you choose the subject you want to write about, it can be a novel, a manual or a guide ... you decide!

Plus, you don't need to spend money on paper prints if you don't want to. Thanks to the internet you can send your book to the other side of the world with just one click.

Although many people use their blogs as virtual windows, if you do not have one, I recommend using the Amazon platform : Kindle to sell your ebook. It is very easy and you decide the price at which you want to sell your book, in exchange for a commission for each sale you make. You can reach anyone anywhere in the world. Imagine the possibilities you have!

If you are interested in learning more about this and another infoproduct, I recommend doing it hand in hand with one of the best on this topic: Agustín Grau. In his course " Create infoproducts and generate income " he teaches you how to create your infoproduct from scratch, where to sell it, how to promote it and how to generate income passively. Also using this code: 123MENOS30 you will get a 30% discount. Please click here for more information about the course.

We all have some knowledge that we can share with others, it does not need to be technical, it can be a craft course or a guitar course. Think for a few seconds, what is it that you know how to do so well and what your friends or acquaintances always ask you for help? ... Well, you could teach a course on that.

There are several websites, where you can be a private teacher and earn money. In some you can make videos of the course and make it available to your future students and that's it. On other websites they put you in contact with interested students and you can give classes through Skype or Facetime.

Some advices:

  • Create a complete profile of your knowledge and experience.
  • Be creative, innovative in your courses and that will earn you popularity and positive ratings.
  • Track your students' progress, so you can help them learn.
  • Answer questions and messages from your students.

If you are interested in knowing more about how to make money with your knowledge, you can read the following article that I have prepared on How to make money with your knowledge .

If you like photography and also know how to use programs to retouch photos. Why not take advantage of your hobby or your training? You can offer your services to retouch personal photos on the internet. This idea allows you to work from home or from anywhere you want.

Some people are willing to pay for touch-ups or enhancements to their photos or to get their old photos back. Others simply for having a funny photo.

For example, some photo retouching that you can offer: "whiten teeth", "remove shine from the face", "change background". Or do you think it offers some more funny touches such as: "put your face on some superhero", "put your face on the painting of The Mona Lisa", etc ...

Surely you have heard of "youtubers". They are people who make a living by uploading videos to the Internet, more specifically to YouTube (hence their name), and many of them do their work from home.

Undoubtedly, they have all become characters who pay significant sums of money for their videos. This is because YouTube pays them for every thousand visits, but also for the advertising that these videos have. Which allows them to get really good income.

And if they could, why couldn't you? Of course!! You only need a video camera and a topic that you want to share with the world. Obviously, in order for you to live from this, you need to reach many visits to your videos.

As with the blog. You can choose a topic that you know very well or just something that you like or something that you are good at. For example, you can make videos of makeup techniques, hairstyles or a language course or how about a course to learn to play the guitar.

If you think you do not have great knowledge to share, you can upload humorous videos, of jokes, these are very successful. You have probably seen videos of a puppy or a kitten, right? If you have a pet, take advantage of its antics and share them with the world.

Although this idea may seem very easy to you, you should take into account some recommendations to make your channel a profitable way to generate money.

  • Think of an idea, good and if it can be original.
  • Make creative, original videos and post them regularly.
  • Create videos with your own copyright.
  • Analyze the results of your videos.
  • Activate the monetization option of your YouTube channel and create a Google AdSense account.
  • You could also entrust the management and optimization of your channel, in exchange for a commission, to companies like Fullscreen or Viso .

Although as you have seen, it is not necessary to have your own company to have a work from home, you have other options.

But without a doubt, creating your own online store has several advantages, such as reducing costs since your initial investment is minimal compared to a physical store, you are in charge of managing all the work and you can reach clients from all over the world.

In your online store you can sell your own creations: jewelry, candles, T-shirts, etc ... but you could also sell other people's products.

But did you know that there are other ways to shop online? Do you know the drop shipment ? It consists of selling a product at retail without actually owning it. In other words, the retailer (that is, you) reaches an agreement with the manufacturer to sell their product and the latter will be in charge of sending it directly to the end customer on behalf of the retailer, so you do not have to have a stock of the merchandise. The benefit is obtained, in the purchase that you make at the same time from the manufacturer of that product, but at a lower cost. In short, your mission in this triangular relationship is to be an intermediary.

If you want to know more about dropshipping, I recommend that you read the blog article Create Virtual Store, Dropshipping: The smart way to create a cheap online store? , where you will find detailed information on the subject and other interesting posts

Do you consider yourself a good cook? Do you not care about preparing food for ten people? On the contrary, do you like the idea? Do your friends or family ask you for the recipes of your dishes?… If you answered yes to the questions from This little test, then, you can seriously consider becoming a cook.

You will be thinking… ok, yes, and now what? How do I do it? How much can I earn? Where?

Well, to start you have to know that you can consider making money being a cook in two ways: as a host or as a home cook. what is the difference? As a host, you will prepare your best dishes and receive your clients in your own home. And since this article is about working from home, we'll talk more about this in detail. As a home cook, as its name says, you have to go to the home of your customers and prepare your recipes in their kitchens.

In either case you have a good chance of success. Think about the potential customers you can reach. Nowadays, it is common to see in families that both parents work, sometimes even too much. You have no time to prepare various meals and prepare them every day, much less to invite friends to dinner or lunch at your house.

But don't think that you could only prepare dishes for families or large dinners. Although in Spain it is common to take the tupper (or táper) to work. Many times we do not have time to prepare anything, so we resort to sandwiches, sandwiches or something similar that is fast. But what if you could offer homemade food and they just stop by to pick it up? There is benefit for both sides, they eat healthy, homemade and freshly madeand at the same time you earn some money.

And if you think that this is not for you, because you are good at desserts !! You can also do it, of course you can. For example, those cupcakes that come to your death, those cakes, those biscuits…. They are ideal for desserts, for celebrations, birthdays, etc !!

And all this is possible, thanks to the collaborative or private cooking that is in full growth, later you will find the best-known websites.

Some tips to increase your income:

  • Make yourself known in your neighborhood, in your city, talk to your neighbors.
  • Make yourself known on the internet, do not hesitate to use social networks.
  • Get trained to improve your knowledge as a cook.

Continuing on the side of the most creative and manual works ... You can make crafts at home and sell them online.

This is very simple but it offers you a wide variety of possibilities and it is very important that you make yourself known. You already know that the recommendations work very well.

Some simple ideas with which you can let your imagination run wild and make your passion your work from home:

  • Make jewelry or accessories, such as bracelets, necklaces or earrings.
  • Decorative decorations for children's birthdays, for theme parties, etc.
  • Make candles.
  • Make soaps.

In this article you can find more craft ideas to sell and you can do at home.

If you are a fan of crafts and especially of sewing, you can take advantage of your free time and your skills to make small arrangements of clothes. And if you dare and have the knowledge, you can make custom clothes and earn extra money with this work from home.

You can start with your closest circle: your family, your friends or your neighbors. 

It is also a good work from home opportunity with which you can bring out your creative side 

You don't have to be a famous designer to do it. You can start with small orders, such as raising the hem of a dress or pants, creating original pillow cases or cushions, or how about making a custom skirt? Think about it, there are many options, don't let your sewing machine accumulate dust.

Also, if you already have a pet it will not be anything new, in fact it will be a good opportunity to expand the circle of friends of your pet 😉

That if, before accepting:

  • Think and prepare the space that your guest will have, remember that it should feel like home.
  • Take into account characteristics such as species, size, the noise it can make or if someone in your house has any type of allergy.

Having some precautions will prevent us from taking a scare.

It is increasingly common for companies to hire staff for customer service to perform these functions from home.

The companies that are usually looking for remote workers are telecommunications, consumer goods stores, and even financial institutions or insurers.

You must have some knowledge and obviously as it is a work from home you must meet certain technical requirements at home (good Internet connection, telephone). Hours are usually flexible, and a high level of responsibility is required. Normally, companies will give you basic training on how to answer calls, the answers that should be given in different situations.

In the job portals you will find different job offers for virtual assistants.

On the Internet you will find several websites with job offers. Surely you already know traditional job portals such as Infojobs, Monster or LinkedIn. But to complement the information in this article, I have compiled a list of websites in Spanish , where you can find offers to work from home.

Here you will find offerings in different areas ranging from software development, data entry and design to engineering, science, sales and marketing, accounting and legal services.

You can register for free. But like the previous websites, they will apply a commission for work done, which will be 10% or 4 euros (they charge the highest of the two) for fixed-price projects, and 10% for projects per hour.

It is a network  available in Spanish, and number one in Latin America. Here you can find projects in categories such as: programming , design, translation, marketing, administrative, legal, finance and engineering support.

Signing up is completely free. There is a commission for each work done of 15%. The money you have earned can be requested through a bank transfer, PayPal or through Payoneer.

In addition, if you are a beginner in this work from home, this website has a Youtube channel with different tutorials that will help you solve your doubts.

This website is aimed at the Spanish-speaking public, especially in the areas of programming, design, digital marketing and community manager .

Like other platforms, registration and use is free. Users can create their portfolio online and upload their resume. There is also a payment option, the PRO account, with additional benefits.

As for commissions, 14% is applied to the total project, this is detailed at the time of setting the price.

Payment methods are PayPal and Payoneer. For users in El Salvador, payment has also been implemented through direct deposit to their bank account.

Another advantage of SoyFreelancer is that it has excellent support (by chat or email) in case you have any questions. In fact, they have given me all this information to share on the blog ... Thank you Patricia

On this platform you can find job offers and freelance projects, specialized in the digital sector in more than 30 countries. The offers you can find are: web and mobile development, design and creativity, digital marketing, software engineering, writing and translation, and business services (accounting, HR, etc.)

Registration is free with a basic account. But if you want to have other advantages, you can use a Premium account for 29 euros per month. This website does not charge you when they hire you, here is the company that will pay a commission for your services.

You can request the payment of your earnings through bank transfer, PayPal, Payoneer, Bitcoins and IAS card. You can check for each country what are the withdrawal methods.

Like Workana, Nubelo also has a YouTube channel where you can follow her tutorials.

Another platform where you can find interesting web projects and programming, design, translation, writing, sales and marketing and services for companies.

You can register for free, with a basic subscription, you also have other payment options with additional advantages.

With the basic subscription, they apply a commission of 10% for work done and you will get 10 initial “twago credits”. This is a system that allows you to submit offers to the projects that interest you most.

To withdraw money from your safePay account, you can do it through your bank account.

On this website you can find 6 main categories of projects: graphic design, writing, multimedia, software and technology, administration, finance and marketing, and construction and home . You will find very varied projects, it is worth checking their offers.

Registration is free, but a commission of 8% must be paid for each project achieved. You agree with the client which will be the payment method that suits you best.

On this website, every day several ads are published in different categories and especially in software and writing, so here you have a good chance of finding a job.

In Textmaster you can find  translation projects, create articles, websites, etc.  They will send you projects according to your profile. Take your time to make your profile more attractive and complete. Specify all your skills and abilities (languages, computer programs, ...).

The money you will earn will depend on the project, and they will apply a small commission. You can collect the money you earn through PayPal.

It is a platform of  video training . The operation is simple, you sign up completely free, you can use your Facebook account, and then, create your own course. You record a video demonstrating your skills or knowledge and that's it, start earning money.

It has more than 3 million registered students in 160 countries. You will not lack opportunities to earn a few euros with your work from home.

This website applies a commission of 30% to "teachers" on the final price paid by the student. In addition, in order to increase your sales you can use: discount coupons, affiliate programs or promotions. Payments are made through PayPal.

This website is well known, here you can offer your services, knowledge or skills for a minimum price of $ 5. The initial idea was to offer something following the phrase: " I am going to ... (here you put what you can do) ... for $ 5 ", but now you can find different prices and different offers, more and more original, for example, make illustrations, draw a logo, draw a portrait, etc ...

Let your imagination run wild and come up with something fun. And if you know English, you have more opportunities, because its audience is mostly English-speaking.

Some specialized platforms where you can create your photo portfolio are: Fotolia or Shutterstock .

The operation is very simple and you will earn some extra money per month.

They keep a previously agreed commission for each sale made.

Speaking of collaborative cuisine, the best known websites are:

  • EatWith : The best known internationally. If you want to know more about being a host and send your request to eatwith, click here .
  • I share a plate . (shareyourmeal) This website is not very well known yet, but it is one of the websites where you can propose your dishes to your neighbors.

As you have seen, you have different possibilities to start your work from home and develop professionally. At first, the income you get may not be high, but little by little they will grow.

The objective of this article is to show you how you can earn money from your own home and in some cases taking advantage of your hobbies and what you are good at doing. Although it seems crazy, it is increasingly common to find people who work from home and live from it.

I will not lie to you, it is not easy, it is not just sitting in front of your computer and waiting for the money to appear, hopefully! But no. You have to work every day to achieve success, be constant and also constantly learn, self-train to move forward and not be obsolete. Every time there is something new, everything progresses and you have to advance at the same rate.

I hope this article has provided useful information and inspired you to jump in and start some work from home. Much encouragement!

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