Ideas for Education Businesses

Since the 16th century, mercantilism has been at the root of globalization. Colonization and modern diasporas have only emphasized that universal dimension. However, the idea of ​​cultural diversity is at the heart of postmodern societies.
Therefore, globalization is not a new topic. However, we have to recognize that current technology allows for a faster exchange of information and, likewise, that barriers to world trade are gradually withdrawing. Thus, businesses around the world have become more interdependent, with increasing numbers of players.
Conducting business across borders on a global scale, and in particular effective negotiation between different cultures, is always challenging and requires associated skills. For the time being, the encounter with the "other" implies being aware of oneself. Understanding other cultures is not only a tool to face the experience of the foreign, but it is mainly a means to create awareness of our own behavior .
Knowing other cultures does not necessarily mean acceptance of the "different". The flow of information that floods us daily has only softened the difficult corners between cultures, making the world rather flat, although nuances still persist.
However, when business executives speak of a "global mindset," it is often related to how they understand the "other . Therefore, the "we" and the "they" are reinforced, which is a dichotomy that a global education should not emphasize .
Being able to move smoothly in a culture that is not your own is the hallmark that global managers in the world of business education should try to develop. These are the future citizens who will build the true "global" world that the 21st century needs. By releasing them from their cultural blinds, this new litter of internationally minded managers will see opportunities that are not limited by their experiences or backgrounds , as well as how much of their experiences or backgrounds still apply.
The axis of the universe has changed. There is no longer a north / south or west to east domain. The world is no longer divided into developed and underdeveloped. Today the world has economies in crisis and emerging economies are not antagonists, but are simply at different stages of development. The world has a different design, and it will continue to change. 
A change that is being called global and that presupposes that business executives not only look at their own image in the mirror, but, ultimately, teach them to see the world with different eyes, from a broader perspective, involving all the others".
This change is needed not only because of so-called globalization, but because we cannot continue doing business using only one side of the table.
Education has always come with new trends and companies are constantly looking for new partners , as well as new ways of "doing business" . It is in this sense that global business education has become imperative and, therefore, schools in recent years have been offering various types of courses, generically called, global business.
Although there are a wide variety of programs in this same category, not all of them prepare students to become world citizens . Only in programs where no culture dominates - either in the material taught or the experiences offered - where each student feels as equal as all others, can the context for transformation be given to a global citizen .
The OneMBA program, run by an association of business schools on four continents, has been a pioneer in developing global business education for the past ten years. Recently, many B-Schools have attempted to deal with the complexity of developing a program that can adequately address the challenges of global business education. Others are devoted to the trend of "educational tourism". The difference with the OneMBA is that in it there is a true level playing field for all the schools in society that comprise it; The courses are taught by academics from all over the world and as a result, students receive a borderless business education and engage with a true melting pot of different cultures.
The fact is that one day we realize that we are no longer on top of the world and that we have to start learning how to be "us" instead of being "us and them". This will be the moment when we can create truly global education: through the exchange of experiences, with the development of tolerance and creativity to solve totally new problems.
Concept: English courses, conversation workshops, exam training (Toeic and Toefl) and summer courses in Canada - thanks to an agreement established with the University of Toronto. The offer is complemented by simultaneous translation and interpretation services, as well as French, Japanese and Italian classes.
How it works: You can purchase a brand license for $ 300,000 and recoup your investment in about 18 months. The recommendation is that from the beginning you direct the institute so that you get involved in both the academic and administrative aspects.
Keys: in order to increase your income, the firm allows you to sell language (support) material, organize summer workshops for children and give courses to companies, translators, senior citizens and bilingual secretaries.
It is interesting academically to choose a name for an education company, it is a detail that precisely requires planning and application of strategies so that your entrepreneurship continues on the path of success that you have marked. And that is something that we will talk about next, because your purpose and ours is to ensure success.
Planning strategies will allow you to be competitive and you can stay in the teaching market, this process will allow you to identify where you are going and how you can achieve it, these are some strategies that you can use:

Originality: The name of your company must give you functionality, that shows a pleasant, fun, interesting service, to make a difference.
That it seeks to transmit: That when hearing the name of your company they feel that you transmit confidence and security of what they are going to learn. What it is about, with what account and what your company teaches is to transmit what you want.
That evokes the academic: Choose to refer to characters, focus on the educational aspects of the company and provide a structure of educational words and phrases that highlight your professionalism.
How to apply the ideas to create the name to your education company?

With the application of certain strategies such as the ones we will mention, you will have at your fingertips the action plan for you to develop your objective ... create the name of your education company, use these strategies as advantages for your development.
Short name: Make it easy to remember, a short name is also simple, it does not create confusion and its pronunciation and writing are easily done.

Use of words from the area: Use words related to education, it is something that you will make clear what you specifically do, if the name for example is “Chiquititos” you are indicating that it is a company of early childhood education or daycare, or if you use a name like "Hello School" you are indicating a language education company. This strategy is usually one of the most useful.
Use of acronyms: It can be very original the use of the initials of several words to give rise to a new one and where it includes many things.
The use of acronyms consists of using the acronyms of the words so that it can be read, for example CEFE (Centro de Formación Educativa) or IDEA (Institute of American Education).
Using this strategy you can find the name for your education company in a creative and original way.
Brainstorming: Another strategy that works very well, applied in many fields and helps a lot if you want to create names.
What you should do is write down all the possible names that come to your mind, lean with friends and family to join the brainstorming. After the process, begin to discard the least interesting ones and leave the most creative ones so that you reduce the list to a few names that you will focus on to find the correct name for your education company.
In the same way we want to consent you in this process and we give you a list of possible names for your education company, we hope you find the correct one.
More than 300 directors of business schools from 53 countries came together to discuss innovative ways to respond to a rapidly changing economic and business environment, as well as the  diversification and fragmentation of the business education market , with the proliferation of master's degrees. professionals and online courses. To stay competitive, business schools transition to more specialized programs, individualized learning models, and a greater role in developing leadership skills and competencies.
The plenary sessions and panels addressed the challenges and opportunities for business schools, while the discussion groups focused on  diversity, talent, partnerships, professional development of business school leaders , as well as innovation issues such as  learning online, relevant business education, knowledge creation and social impact .
Collaboration, an upward trend 

"Disruption is generated from collaboration and the trend is for business schools, such as EGADE Business School, to work together to distribute learning through connected networks," explained the Dean of EGADE Business School, Ignacio de la Vega, during his attendance at the Conference.
Examples of collaboration, he commented, are  international cases, intensive residencies, global SNOC  courses (network selected combined courses), and the emphasis on  diversity  in the profiles of teachers and students. The programs are designed to allow students to appreciate cultural differences and build a convergence in leadership with a global vision and a global experience. Initiatives such as the participation of the school in the  Global Network for Advanced Management  provide extraordinary opportunities for all the interest groups of the institution. 
He also mentioned the relevance of  virtual teams,  where students from different countries, and in different time zones, share business models that vary due to differences between countries, be it in the needs of consumers, the competitive structure of the market, infrastructure and regulatory environments, as well as for cultural reasons.
"Creating  cultural sensitivity , understanding and experience is a key success factor in business education, to allow a deeper understanding of differences as well as commonalities in our economies and to increase our collaboration, cooperation and effectiveness to contribute to the solution. of the main problems, which are usually complex and global, ”said Dean De la Vega.
Technology, an inescapable disrupting factor
The Dean's Conference also discussed the transformation of the student experience through  technological tools  that allow for more active, immersive and challenge-based learning.
The  AI  become teaching and learning more adaptive experience, with  chatbots  to provide 24/7 support for both teachers and students, augmented reality and virtual reality for more immersive learning in which students feel more involved and therefore, it increases your knowledge retention. 
“Business schools must understand these technologies and put them into practice to train future decision makersAt the Tecnológico de Monterrey we clearly understand the need to be at the forefront of continuously updated educational innovation, offering new programs more adapted to a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous context (VUCA), ”argued the dean. 
Other trends that were also discussed are the new lifelong learning formats  ,  which give professionals the possibility to continue developing skills throughout their careers, and  massive personalization  and focus  learn at your own pace , two trends that they take in consideration of individual skills, the rate of student learning and the right time to consume content, thus improving the quality of learning and the overall experience of students. 

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